Monday, April 29, 2013

I had such a fun Monday we read, did some writing (which I totally love reading their weekend journal memories), review math strategies for our STAR test and just chatted with my kiddos until the end of the day.. I really wanted to end the day without any stress ..I was so close people!  The bell rings and I'm saying goodbye, get plenty of rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and then a little voice says.. Mrs. Packard what about our homework?
 Argh!!! No way I didn't!! Yes, I did! I forgot their homework!!
Half the class is gone and the others who heard started to yell,"Yeah NO Homework!" I mean seriously people there was no way I was going to chase down my speedy second graders to hand out their homework folders. It was 87 degrees today! Its still April. So tomorrow I will let them do their Monday night homework in class. That seems fair. Deep Breath Alice... only 4 more days..
Did I mention we have a raccoon visiting us again?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hello Friends!
Time is just flying by! I am so proud of my class. They have 3 more days of testing and I know they are ready. After every test they get a treat. This was made possible by my awesome moms. They spelled out the word STARS! ( for the 6 days of testing). I went to my first parents night out fundraiser (made possible again by my parents) and it was so much fun. I did freak out a little when I discovered I had to go up in front of all those parents to auction off my class project and the crazy part I had a parent bid for our art project and she wasn't even one of my parents. It sold for $375.00 WhooHoo!!! The food was yummy, the music awesome and I laughed so much, it was a great way to relieve the stress of all this testing business. I plan on surprising my kiddos with root beer floats and a movie on Friday. So if I don't blog this week you'll know why. Here is a picture of the bags..
Skippy our class mascot is watching over the bags.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

It's Tuesday again.. I'm feeling a little bit run down for some reason. I should be feeling great.. sigh.. it could be that STAR testing starts next week for my kiddos (a week from today). I just want them to do really good on this test. So, if you know me when I'm feeling blue I either clean or rearrange. I decided to do both in hopes of getting out of this funky mood I'm in. Here's some results: Second Graders are so Awesome!!
A New Look!
Kite Fractions! Found this idea on Pinterest.
Super Cute! Another TPT!
Thank You Niki Taylor

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

We are back!

Yesterday was rough. I'm not sure if it harder on me or my little ones. We were all so out of it. However, today was it! We were on our A game. It feels good to be back. I'm gettin my classroom wall ready for the STAR testing. In fact my whole team is doing it. I will have a picture very soon to show you all. I started talking to my class about how I will be covering the walls with cool table clothes (if I can find some at the dollar store) so they won't get distracted. I want to get them excited about using their very own private offices  (yep I made at least 16 of them during our break). This week they will get to use them for spelling tests, math test, or anything else I can think of. Just thinkin out aloud here folks. I am wondering about having a snack for them to eat before the test. I am worried though that someone might get sick on the test paper.. Any thoughts out there?? Okay the GIANTS are calling me back to the tv to watch my boys play.. LETS GO GIANTS!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Very First Project!

So, even during my spring break I can't stay away from my classroom. Of course, it could be because I got this new toy from my incredible awesome husband. I love my silhouette cameo! What cracks me up was at first I was so afraid to use it. That didn't last long. I made some new signs for my kiddos and I plan on creating phrases to get them excited at "Show What They Know" during our STAR testing. I picked my favorite colors and then went at it. I will forgive my errors because it is my first project.. I am still doing things around the taking naps with my cat and dog, cleaning the backyard (yuck), reading a book, staying up pass 9 pm., visiting with my mom, and maybe I will get my hair done.. (this is for my hubby who likes to read my blog). So, I am off to create another project and as you all know by now I have to do my research first. Here I come Pinterest!